Wednesday, February 25, 2015

One Came Home 2/25/2015 Prompt: Similarities & Differences Between the Character & Me, Week of 2/23/2015 - 2/27/2015

One Came Home
John Zalazinski
Similarities & Differences

Georgie and I are different and similar in many different ways, but here are a few. One way we are similar is that we both have really bad tempers! The a lot things can aggrevate the both of us. For example we don't get the outcome we were expecting. Georgie in the book was really torn apart when she found out that her older sister couldn't run their shop together. For me its not being able to get the video game I want, even though my parents and I both know I'm paying with my own money.

We both care about are siblings a lot is another similarity. When Georgie refused to know that her sister was dead even though a funeral took place, that's showing that you love them(siblings) so much you can't let them go. For me its my older brother that I care about a lot. He was one of the best inspirations I could think of when I was moving away, so he's always going to have a special place in my heart. I'm sure Georgie feels the same way about her older sister, but in a different scenario.

The one difference I can think of being adventurous. I'll be honest I'm not such a adventurous guy unless less I'm with friends and it's out of school. Georgie is adventurous no matter what. It doesn't matter what kind of animal, hazard, or distractions are along the way, she's always prepared for it.
I, on the other hand won't even have a band-aid available!
Commented: Saul G. Omar R. Anthony C.

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