Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Week of 2/16 One Came Home, Prompt: Pretend what you are reading is nominated for a national award. Explain why you think it should or should not receive an award.

One Came Home 
John Zalazinski

I am sorry to say this, but this should not be nominated for a award. For one reason it is sometimes way too slow. It seems really hard to maintain interest in this book when its almost slow as a sloth in tar. Sometimes you can't even follow the characters maybe because things like unnecessary dialogue between characters. 

Most of the time it is really hard to follow. To see what I mean imagine you're six, and you close your eyes to blow the birthday candle, and when you open your eyes you're 22 and finishing your college exam! That's how hard it is to follow, can you believe it?! Even though I might be exaggerating, and might be a part of most dedicated readers, try it for yourself.

The story seems a tad bit cliché. A missing relative, trying to find out if they a dead or not, and somewhat long adventure. I know it might sound unfair, but I give the book this, the characters are actually really complex, that's it. I know I might sound more bitter than dark chocolate, but everybody has opinions, so its actually really okay if you disagree with what I've said, because like the book or not I HAVE to finish it.

         Commented On: Joseph Garcia Joseph Hernandez Omar Roman

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