Friday, March 13, 2015

3rd Quarter Reflection - John Zalazinski

3rd Quarter Reflection
John Zalazinski

In this whole quarter my favorite book has been Things Not Seen by Andrew Clements. Its my favorite book because out of all the books in "The Battle of The Books" this is the only one that truly caught my attention. The storyline of Things Not Seen was one of the most interesting ones out of all the books I read in my life. The characters really appeal to me. Their personalities are really unique and interesting.

I think I'm only six books into by 40 book challenge. Its probably only six out of 40 because I'm being using my free time differently than you'd expect when you trying to do this challenge. Since I finished One Came Home the pages are flowing by like wind. I didn't really find any of the other books as interesting as Things Not Seen because it goes by fast and quick, yet you want to go through it slowly to take everything in. 

The most challenging part of 3rd quarter had to be the Constitution Test. Even though I basically flew through the test there was a lot of preparation and pressure on not just me, but all of the other students. I was actually hoping that there would be more snow days so the test would get pushed back by a few days or so. I'm so thankful that that weight on my shoulders are finally gone & we're heading towards are last quarter. Good luck to you guys and myself!
       3 down, 1 to go!

1 comment:

  1. John - I'm glad you enjoyed 'Things Not Seen'! You left out some important questions from the 3rd Quarter reflection.
