Sunday, February 14, 2016

Holocaust AoW Impressions Blog

John Zalazinski

Although some were informative, some articles were unique and unexpected. A great example of this would be Paolo's article on how a Holocaust survivor would teach kids. A man who had a wealthy family before the Holocaust and is now teaching kids with a tub full of chocolate. I never really thought that was possible, for me, teaching youth with a tub full of chocolate would be incredibly difficult, and hard to interpret how to.

Some articles to me were also very shocking. One out of the two examples would be Yareli's article about concentration camps. The article basically stated that researchers have found out due to interviewing about 40 people that there is around 42,500 concentration camps total. Then that there was Emily's article about how the Holocaust survivors may have been facing a greater risk of schizophrenia. Those who faced the holocaust directly have a 41% chance higher of developing schizophrenia, and people who face it indirectly would have a 29% higher chance of  developing schizophrenia. To me, that was really shocking and I didn't know that affected them that much that they would have or develop dual personalities and have to live with that for who knows how long.

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