Friday, February 27, 2015

"Perspective" by John Zalazinski 2/27/2015

John Zalazinski

You’d never guess what I saw today.
A orange and black beast with a long tail.
Once you see it your arms will flail.   
You’d never think twice about going against it.

When you see the orange of its fur,
you’d get so scared
a heart attack might even occur!
Don’t even think about touching the knob on our door!

Perspective will take over.
You know you’re not crazy.
You’ll be in a daze.
You’re blinded by this mysterious and fearsome fog.

That’s why I painted my dog,
because one quick look, 
and you’re taking a jog!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

One Came Home 2/25/2015 Prompt: Similarities & Differences Between the Character & Me, Week of 2/23/2015 - 2/27/2015

One Came Home
John Zalazinski
Similarities & Differences

Georgie and I are different and similar in many different ways, but here are a few. One way we are similar is that we both have really bad tempers! The a lot things can aggrevate the both of us. For example we don't get the outcome we were expecting. Georgie in the book was really torn apart when she found out that her older sister couldn't run their shop together. For me its not being able to get the video game I want, even though my parents and I both know I'm paying with my own money.

We both care about are siblings a lot is another similarity. When Georgie refused to know that her sister was dead even though a funeral took place, that's showing that you love them(siblings) so much you can't let them go. For me its my older brother that I care about a lot. He was one of the best inspirations I could think of when I was moving away, so he's always going to have a special place in my heart. I'm sure Georgie feels the same way about her older sister, but in a different scenario.

The one difference I can think of being adventurous. I'll be honest I'm not such a adventurous guy unless less I'm with friends and it's out of school. Georgie is adventurous no matter what. It doesn't matter what kind of animal, hazard, or distractions are along the way, she's always prepared for it.
I, on the other hand won't even have a band-aid available!
Commented: Saul G. Omar R. Anthony C.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Global Collaboration Reflection - John Zalazinski 2/20/2015

       Global Collaboration Reflection 
John Zalazinski

My global awareness of the world was that no country was similar, and they had nothing in common. It turned out I was completely wrong. My pen-pal and I have so much in common that it surprised me a lot more that I expected. The collaboration with my pen-pal has really affected my thoughts on global awareness. Only now I realized that many countries have so much in common. Maybe it took me so much time because I was focusing on the differences. I now feel like it is now ten times more important to know about global awareness NOW than it was a few years ago, especially because what is happening in the world right now.

I feel my perspective on other cultures has grown more positive and thought out. Cultures should be more appreciated so there would be less war, controversy, and racism through the years. It seems really important to appreciate varieties of culture in this time period. Mostly to prevent horrific events like 9/11 or the Holocaust from happening around the world.

It seems really funny and interesting that the floor is so clean that you can run around in your socks all day in school! I feel like it is shocking that the school is so big it could be turned into a college in the future! I feel like everything in our Swedish pen-pals' school is way more organized and in order than ours. The last thing which is funny is that they still have a playground in middle school! I wouldn't say that it is unfair because it is a different country, so lucky them! 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Week of 2/16 One Came Home, Prompt: Pretend what you are reading is nominated for a national award. Explain why you think it should or should not receive an award.

One Came Home 
John Zalazinski

I am sorry to say this, but this should not be nominated for a award. For one reason it is sometimes way too slow. It seems really hard to maintain interest in this book when its almost slow as a sloth in tar. Sometimes you can't even follow the characters maybe because things like unnecessary dialogue between characters. 

Most of the time it is really hard to follow. To see what I mean imagine you're six, and you close your eyes to blow the birthday candle, and when you open your eyes you're 22 and finishing your college exam! That's how hard it is to follow, can you believe it?! Even though I might be exaggerating, and might be a part of most dedicated readers, try it for yourself.

The story seems a tad bit cliché. A missing relative, trying to find out if they a dead or not, and somewhat long adventure. I know it might sound unfair, but I give the book this, the characters are actually really complex, that's it. I know I might sound more bitter than dark chocolate, but everybody has opinions, so its actually really okay if you disagree with what I've said, because like the book or not I HAVE to finish it.

         Commented On: Joseph Garcia Joseph Hernandez Omar Roman

Monday, February 16, 2015

Poetry Response Week of 2/16

John Zalazinski
Poetry Response
Poem Name: Orange
By: Jeff Opperman

This poems about how frustrated you can get when you run into the word orange in a poem. It is almost every poets' worst nightmare. You can't get past it unless you're in free verse writing, so if you are trying to rhyme your luck has ran out. Even though I haven't ran into this problem yet I most likely will in the future. I'm pretty sure that if you are reading this blog right now you have ran into this problem like the author of the poem.

  I think the author wrote this poem to express his frustrations about trying to rhyme the word orange with another word. Maybe when he was a kid he was trying to write a poem for his class and decided to write down the "DEAD END" of all poems. It like when you have writer's block, but its only because of one word.  


I chose these two pictures because I feel that a fruit or color can cause you to tear your hair out. Out of all the the things in this big world a lot of people get annoyed of this word and to be honest, its not really a big problem. Before I forget to mention that this rumor of "nothing rhymes with orange" is a total myth. Well to be fair the words that do rhyme almost never relate to the poem's topic at all.  

This would be text to world. I chose text to world mostly because people get frustrated for the smallest things, this being one of them. To me, (this relates to text to self too) my little sister is the 
orange and I'm the one writing this demon of a poem. You cannot imagine the world of poetry getting annoyed by this, and if it was going to, I would stop with poetry, well to be honest again, I'm not that interested in poetry to begin with. I feel that this is one of the poems that actually makes me want to get into poetry actually.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

One Came Home By Amy Timberlake Week of 2/9/15 - 2/13/15 Prompt: Tell me about the main character. What kind of person is he/she?

One Came Home 
John Zalazinski

Georgie is a lot of things, trust me, but here are a few. She has a bad temper, with her encounter with a cougar she gets really frustrated because after all she went through the cougar just walks away. After that she threw anything she could at it. I honestly would've let it be to make sure no further trouble is going to occur. 

Georgie is really good when it comes to hunting. She uses a springfield rifle to shoot anything edible she can find along her journey. Georgie is also an accurate shot so if she misses twice or more that would be a really rare event. Her grandpa taught her so everything she learned comes from one of the wisest people in the family. 

She wants to find answers. When she ever gets the opportunity she asks someone like Agatha for example "Are you going to marry Billy?" or something like that. Her sister promised her that she would run their own shop together, but unfortunately some things to go as planned. Relating to her hunting trait and to this trait she also wants to ask, every sing time she gets an opportunity, to practice her shots to perfect it. The answer she is desperate to get an answer to is to where he older sister is and bring her back home, because Agatha's first funeral isn't going to be her last.

Commented on: Diego A.  Abdiel  Joseph H.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Book Talk - John Zalazinski - Week of 2/2/15 to 2/6/15

Book Talk Transcript
By: John Zalazinski
The Wall: Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain

The title of this book is call The Wall: Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain by Peter Sis. The genre of this book is Children's Literature and Nonfiction. It takes place in Berlin during the Cold War when the Berlin Wall was still up. The main character is actually the author who has written this book in order to tell people about his early years of life during the Cold War. He also uses art to escape from what is happening around him. The conflict is that Peter is trying to live through the hardships of living behind the Berlin Wall. It seems to be sad at times when people die or certain actions are not allowed. The theme of this book is that it is hard living through stuff like war, death, and separation from other family members.

I like this book because it really gives you an insight about what life was like during that time and how hard it might and/or would've been. What I remember most about the book was that he drew to keep himself occupied and away from difficult news or worries. He also wrote in his journal that he had during his spare time and what happened that day. I recommend this book because it is really interesting to know what it was like back then and you'd know why so many people had a hard time living in Berlin during the years of the Cold War. The viewer should get this book because it gives more information about the Berlin Wall than you might already know.